Now that Ryan has been in Japan, Aizuwakumatzu (Aizu) for a month surviving only only highly perishable emails from his family, I am posting his address so everyone can send him the sustainable paper letters he so hungers for. Here it is:
Yagiyami Minami 3-1-5 Taihaku-ku
Sendai-shi 982-0807
Aizu is Ryan's first area. Dave (Carlisle - without the "s" of course) found a website where you can see Ryan's area's and a picture of the Church he goes to: homepage picture of his church
Also, these are the latest emails we have recieved from him, starting with the oldest:
May 16, 2010
Hey Everyone! I am in Japan everything is going great! My flight went well. Prestident and Sister Tateoka are really nice we slept at the mission home the first night and that night i found out who my trainer would be. He is Elder Brian Peterson from Springville Utah. Really nice kid. His companion and him were the APs when we got there. Elder Peterson and I got assigned to Aizuwakamatsu. Its a small city of 120,000 people. We have been doing a lot of streeting and dooring trying to find people to teach. We have a lesson to teach an investigator today at two. So I am excited for that. Church was really good yesterday! I didnt really understand anything but Elder Aoyagi (青柳長老) came and talked. He is the Japanese Elder in the seventy that gave a talk in general conference. It was really cool to meet him. Very very very nice man. Fun to talk to as well. He said getting ready to give his talk in english was terrible. Haha funny to hear that. any way I better go I will write a letter today. Love ya all!
Elder Ryan Lundell
May 23, 2010
Hey Everyone! Everything is going well here we have had a lot of work. Riding our bikes like crazy. We have three baptism dates so hopefully that follows through. It should two of them have a tabacco problem but Im sure they can quit. Its really pretty here in Aizuwakamatsu. I love being here. Dont have a lot of time. Love you all!!! Congrats on the new addition to the fam! Love you all!!
Email to Tim; May 30, 2010
Hey thanks Tim its about 11:25 monday morning right now. My schedule is I wake up at 6:30am eat (breakfast is usually two pieces of toast) shower get ready have personal study from 8 to 9 comp study from 9 to 10 and language study from 10 to 10:45. then we go out and street contact or teach lessons tell about twelve usually come back to the appartment make lunch. Japanese meal usually my comp is a really good cook. So he is teaching me his ways and i clean the dishes. its a fare trade in my opinion. haha. We almost always have rice with every meal. We go back out at one and Steet, house or go to appointments till 8 take our dinner time at 8 to 9 then plan and get ready for the next day and dinner is the same as lunch usually. and yes pday starts at 10:45 then goes till 6pm. The language is hard. I feel like I hardly learned anything in the MTC but my comp says thats how it feels and you just have to be patiant and it will come. I speak ok just have a hard time understanding what they say back.
Did you hear Elder Aoyagi came to our ward my first sunday? He is the Japanese Elder in the seventy who gave a talk at general conference. It was really cool to see him and talk to him. He said it was so hard to get ready for his talk trying to give it in english. A really awesome guy! anyway all is going well we have set up 3 baptismal dates since we have been here and they are all progressing. I love beeing here its great! and thanks a ton for the money for my bike i really appreciate it! Im running out of time so i better go. Love ya man!
Elder Ryan Lundell
June 6, 2010
Hey Everyone! Everything is going great here in Aizu Japan. Sometimes I cant believe Im here its really crazy to think about! 3 of our investigators have a baptismal date and are working to be ready and have been to chuch and we just picked up 2 new investigators this week. They are husband and wife and we found them seperatly.God works in mystirous was aye. Our ward mission leader is great and super strong. It helps so much when members want to help. Anyway things are great and would like to here letters from you all. I havent gotten a single one yet!!!!!!!!! Love you all! Keep the Faith!
June 22, 2010 Email to Dad
Hey dad hows it going? hows oregon? its just hit the rain season here and its always raining a lot like oregon.
Today is transfer day and me and my compainion are both stayin in his area. This is is last transfer and then he goes home.
Our ward here in Aizu is great. The ward mission leader is super helpful and does a ton for us. He and his wife have ten children. Only one is still at home they all have moved out. But I dont know how he did it especially in Japan. Everything is so small and expensive.
We have seven investigators as of now. One with a baptismal date. His name is Komatsu. He seems to be a really strong investigator. We found him on the street and when we gave him a Book of Mormon he tried to buy it. Watanabe is also another one of our investigators. He is struggling with smoking so the other day we told him to smoke one less cigarette a day and if he did that we would stop drinking carbonated drinks.
We ran into another guy on the street and set up an apointment to hear about the gospel. His name is Hona. Then later on we ran into another Hona who had meet with the missionaries before so we set up a lesson with her. We taught the man at the chuch and then another day we taught the woman at her house. Come to find out they are husband and wife. But they are doing well. Love you dad!
Elder Ryan Lundell
Hello everyone! Its just going to be one email this week because I dont have a lot of time! Thanks for all the letters and emails they mean a lot and its nice to know that my family is still there.
Everything here in Aizu is going great. Our newer investigator Kimijima san is doing really well he just needs to kick his smoking and coffee habit. We also have another new investigator Kato san. She is really cool she has three kids. She is really young like 28. She is way awesome! Super interested in the gospel and wants to come to church but her two boys broke there arms and are getting surgery on them this week so she has to wait till next week.
The crazy rainy season just got over and now its getting really hot and humid and our area is in a basen so there is never much of a breaze so I am always sweating like crazy! The food is really good Aizu has amazing sause katsu and katsu don. For all you thats pork on rice the sause one has some crazy good sause and the other is egg. The language is coming pretty well. I still dont understand everything and cant say everything I want to but its coming. My companion is going home this coming transfer. So about two and a half weeks. He gets into Utah august 6th. His homecoming is on the 8th for anyone that wants to go his ward is the Hobble Creek West Stake 5th Ward. Its the church just east of springville high and its at 9am. Anyway not much else to tell and I got to go so I will talk to you later. Love you all!!!
Elder Ryan Lundell
July 25, 2010
Hey every one!!!!The work is going great this last week we finished up all the lessons with our investigator Kimijima san. He is really close to baptism and doing really well. He is just struggling with smoking right now but he said he is done with it for good. Yesterday at church we made a quit smoking plan for him so he could stop. Our other investigator Kato san. The young mother with three kids. She is amazing!!!!!! The lesson before we visited her we were on splits so my comp and elder Ovard taught her. They told her to read the 3 Nephi 11 and Pray about Joseph Smith. And the week after that lesson her two boys were getting surgery on the arms. So me and my companion went to visit her this week and she didn't have a lot of time cause she was taking her kids to the lake. So we asked her if she read from the The Book of Mormon and prayed. She told us yeah when my kids were in surgery I read the from the beginning to 3 Nephi 11. And we were just like wait what?! From first Nephi? She said yeah you guys gave me this book so I thought i better read it. It would be rood if I didn't. And then she was like yeah I also prayed for my kids that they would be ok in surgery. We were just amazed! She is so amazing! So then we asked her if she prayed about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. Because she is devoiced with her x husband he visits the kids but he is bukyo and really anti so when he comes over she hides her Book of Mormon. So we told her she can pray silently so she was like oh ok. And we have to teach her at the door step cause it a girl and when we left we asked if we could end in a word of prayer and she said yeah let me get my kids and she ran and got her kids and we all prayed together it was so amazing!! She is a way cool lady!! We have a lesson with her tomorrow so it should go well we are going to commit her to be baptized. Thats about our week though. Me and my compainon had some bike problems this week. All and all it was a wonderful week.
Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Ryan Lundellランデル長老
August 3, 2010 (to Tim)
Hey Tim thanks for the Email! And thanks a ton for the package it is way good! Everything!!! The beef jerky is amazing!!!! I realized how much different the food is here in Japan to America. Not that its a bad different just different. The wafers stayed in one piece and yes they have milk in japan so you got the right pudding. Thanks for adding Sei Kuwahara. It was the right one. Now you can see a little bit of my pday life through a member.
The work is going really well here in Aizu. I think we will be getting two baptisms here in a little while. One investigator Kimijima is doing amazing has been taught everything just needs to stop smoking. He is trying really hard and then our other amazing investigator Kato, the one that read almost the entire Book of Mormon in a week is doing good. She came to Church on Sunday but for only like half of Sunday school and we talked to her after and she accidentally went to the wrong church. Her dad found out he got cancer like two weeks a ago and she was at the hospital with her really Buddhist family so she shared the Book of Mormon with them. So her aunts and uncles told her because she is participating with Christians thats why your dad got cancer. So that was really hard for her but she is still really interested.Transfers are tomorrow and my comp is going home and I am staying in Aizu and getting Elder Jones from Tennessee so that will be fun.
August 22, 2010
Hey everyone!
Sorry I didn't get a letter off last week. By the time we got around to go email the place where we email was closed. Sorry about that. Anyway I am doing really well here in Aizu. Elder Jones and I get along really well. This last week the Lord blessed us with the chance to get standard of excellence (some thing our mission tries to do every week, teach 20 lessons and have 3 new investigators). It was way awesome the other day Elder Jones and I were just streeting and housing, not really sure where to go next and this guy across the street yelled at us from his barber shop. So we looked over and he asked, "Are you mormon?" and we answered yes of course and he told us to come over so we went over and he had us come in and he pulls out this huge photo album of all these missionaries that visited him like 30 to 40 years ago, just tons of missionaries. He said he hadn't seen any missionaries since. So we asked him what the missionaries did with him and he said ate and played. We asked if they ever talked about God or if he had heard of The Book of Mormon. He said no so we taught him a little about the restoration and he said we could come back. It was way awesome! Its just so crazy how the Lord guides you when you don't even realize your being guided. We just need to make sure were worthy and listening for the spirit. Kimijima san is doing well but still really struggling with smoking. He is such a humble man. I love him so much. I feel so bad for him. He gets way down on himself because he hasn't quit. Tomorrow we have district meeting then were going on splits with the Iwaki Elders. That should be fun. One of the Elders there was in my district with me at the MTC so thats really fun to go proselyte with him cause we have to try really hard with Japanese. Any way I love you all so much thanks for all the support! Be safe and keep the faith!
Love,Elder Ryan Lundellランデル長老
September 5, 2010
Hey Everyone!Everything is going great here in Aizu. This week was a really fun week on Thursday the Zone Leaders came on splits with us to Aizu. They are both Japanese. And neither speak much English. My first time proselyting with a Japanese Elder alone. It was way fun I love 日本人 (Japanese People). The language is going well. It gets hard when you start having conversations outside of gospel topics. Then on Friday President Tateoka came to our apartment to watch our planning at night and after planning Sister Tateoka gave us cleaning choirs to do. It almost felt like Mom and Dad were checking up on us. Haha. I love the Tateoka's they are really nice and helpful. They also came to church the next day and sat in on a lesson with us. It was really nice to be able to ask for improvements from President Tateoka. Today was my Birthday. It kind of feels weird to be in my twenties. Me and my comp went to eat sauce katsu for my birthday. It is so good. Aizu is known for there sauce katsu and we found the best sauce katsu place in auzu so it must be the best sauce katsu in the world. Haha. Anyway I better go thanks for everything guys I really appreciate it. Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Ryan Lundellランデル長老
September 14, 2010
Hey everyone! How is everyone? Congrats on the new member of the family!!!!!!! Way cool to hear!!!!! Welcome Troy Morgan Lundell!!!!
Everything here in Aizu is going amazingly awesome. Today was transfer calls so our P-day is on Wednesday. I am now on transfer number 4!!!!! Its going by so fast!!!!!!!!! At the end of this transfer I will have been in Japan for 6 months!!!! But Elder Jones and I are staying here which makes me way happy. I love it here!!!!!!! He has become District Leader so that will be fun!!!! We will get to go on splits with the zone leaders more often. Our investigator Kimijima san is doing amazing!!!! It makes me so happy. He hasn't smoked at all for 2-3 days now. He has a baptism date on October third and I really think is going to pull through which makes me so happy!!!!! He really wants to be baptized and understands how important baptism is. The Lord has really helped him. I am so grateful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Also, I don't know how well you remember Kato san but she is the amazing investigator who is a mom, read from the beginning of the Book of Mormon to 3 Nephi 11 in a week, her dad and mom are really sick and her Buddhist family is blaming it on her because she is studying Christianity. Anyway we lost contact with her for like a month and we were getting really nervous. But just this week we finally got a hold of her and she has just been way busy staying at the hospital taking care of her mom. But this whole time we haven't been in contact with her she has been reading the Book of Mormon and praying that her mom will get better. We called her Monday night and she didn't answer but called us back and she just talked to us forever about how she wants to believe in what were teaching her but her mom just isn't getting better and she said she is starting to think that it is her fault. So she wanted to know why her mom isn't getting better. And we just told her she just has to have faith that God has a plan for each of us and we might not understand why but we just need to trust him. She said that made her feel so much better and she really believes what we are teaching her is true. She is just such an amazingly prepared person!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes I am just at awe at how amazing God is and how much is hand is involved in each one of our lives.We also found a new investigator Ragai san. He is the most humble man. He just doesn't know if God exists because he has gone through some pretty hard times and he currently has zero family right now and he is about 50-60 years old. He didn't feel like he had a purpose for the rest of his life. Elder Jones and I had a really powerful lesson with him yesterday. We both testified that we know God lives and that through Jesus Christ's Gospel we can be eternally happy. We told him about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and how he can know the truth of it and that God does exist trough prayer and reading the Book of Mormon. And through what we are teaching him he can be happy. I could just really feel the spirit when I testified it was a really good lesson. The Gospel is so amazing!!!!!!!! It helps us so much and we don't even realize how much it can help us!!!!!!!Anyway I better wrap it up, but I love you guys so much I think of you guys a lot. Be safe, keep the Faith. Keep me updated. Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Ryan Lundellランデル長老
October 3, 2010
Hey Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This week was amazing! Our investigator 君島兄弟 (Brother Kimijima) was baptized and confirmed yesterday! Such an awesome experience! He was so happy to be baptized! The thing he was most excited about was to always be able to feel the spirit. What a pure desire. I sometimes forget what gifts I have been given like the gift of the Holy Ghost. I was reading the sacrament prayer yesterday and how it says that we may always have His spirit to be with us. Let us all strive to always have His spirit to be with us. When we have His spirit with us we can always be lead by Him and who better to follow than Jesus Christ Himself. Anyway Brother Kimijima is doing awesome! It was really spiritual moment when we confirmed him a member and gave him the gift of the Holy Ghost. Its so amazing to see the work flourish in Japan and all over the world. No unhallowed hand can stop the progression of the Gospel!
We also had a cool experience the other day. Elder Jones and I were riding our bikes to a Potential Investigators house when this guy in about his 50-60's called us over from across the street. We crossed the street to meet him and right away he said come to my house and gestured us to follow him. We followed him and invited us in to his house and we talked to him and I guess he met the missionaries a long time ago. Like I don't know how long but probably over ten years ago. We taught him the first half of Lesson 1 and he didn't have a Book of Mormon so we gave him one and he stopped us and said we needed to go but he to us before we could speak he said, "I'm going to read this", as he held the Book of Mormon and then asked where he should read. Then he told us, "Come back on the fifth at 3 and please teach me more". Of coarse in Japanese but it was crazy the guy made his own commitment and set up another appointment by himself. The Lord TRULY DOES PREPARE PEOPLE!!!!!!! He even put the man right in our path and he found us! We didn't even find him! Its so awesome!!!!!!!!!
Anyway this week was way good!!! Thanks for all the love and support you guys are everything to me!!!! I love you all and always remember we Gods children and He is our Father in Heaven. Love you all like CRAZY!!!!!!
Love,Elder Ryan Christopher Lundellライアン・クリスタファ・ランデル長老
P.S. Could someone send me Christina and Scott's Email address and also Krista and Travis' Email address onagaishimasu.
October 17, 2010
Hey everyone! How is everyone? Everything is going great out here. I sent an email out about two weeks ago about our baptism Kimijima. I don't know if you remember but he is doing awesome he comes to the English class, family home evening, institute and church every week. He is a way awesome member. He will be getting the Aronic Priesthood so I am really excited about that. I'm so grateful for the chance I had to teach and help him. The gospel is so awesome! He seems like such a more happy person now that he has it in his life.
Wasn't general conference amazing! I always feel so spiritually feed after listening to the prophets of God! There were so many good talks but I really liked Uchtdorfs talk about not making everything so complicated and not having enough time to do what is most important and the analagy about how ball point pens wouldn't work in space and for years and years they developed a pen that could write on any surface anywhere, but what did they use in the mean time. A pencil. Let us all just take a deep breath and just worry about whats important like spending time with our families and serving God.
Anyway its starting to get cooler here in Aizu. I'm coming up to the end of my fourth transfer here in Aizu so there is a good chance that I will be transferring but I'm not sure. My companion and I are getting along great the work is moving on and all is well. I love preaching the gospel and helping people feel God and Jesus Christ's love in their lives.
Sorry I better go but I love you all thank you so much for all your support and I hope all is well! Keep me updated on whats going on.
Love you all so so so much!
Elder Ryan Lundell
October 26, 2010
こんにちは! (konnichiwa!) Hows everyone doing? Things are great here in Aizu. So I am still in my first area and this morning was transfer calls. And I am going to ....... stay in Aizu. Way crazy Im still in my first area for 5 transfers now! But I am way happy with it. The members are so nice here and so helpful here in Aizu. So Im also still with Jones Choro from Tennessee. We get along really well.
Yesterday we had a lesson and our new convert Kimijima Kyodai jointed for us he did so well. The Lady we taught didn't have a whole lot of intrest but Kimijima Kyoday was a really good joint. Im so excited for him he will be such a great member. He recived the Aronic Priesthood and was ordained a priest about two weeks ago so that is really exciting.
We also have this new investigator Honda san. We were visiting a potential investigator but she wasn't home so we were getting on our bikes and this man stopped us from across the street and asked us where we were from and we just started talking to us he invited us into the upstairs of his business and we taught him about our purpose as missionaries and a little about the Restoration. It went way good and then we saw him again and this time he invited us into his house and he fed us a little and we found out that he went to a Christian collage in Tokyo. He smokes and drinks but said he has been trying to quit for a while because its not healthy. So anyway we should be teaching him again soon. I really think we really could see him get baptized. Its crazy how the Lord guides us by the spirit. You think your not being effective because the PI wasn't there but then you find someone more prepared because you are in that area. God is always doing things for the benefit of us, always. Thats such a comforting thing for me to know. Anyway I better wrap it up thanks for all the emails I hope everything is going well I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Ryan Lundell
November 7, 2010
Hey everyone! Everything is going great. It has been getting pretty cool here. Lately Elder Jones and I have had a hard time getting new investigators. We taught a new investigator last night. Sometimes its hard cause people will just talk to you because your american and not because they want to learn about the Gospel. We were teaching here and she would just keep getting off topic. But all is going well. We just need to work harder and harder everyday to find those people who want to hear about the Gospel. We have Zone conference tomorrow. I'm excited for that it always gets me pumped up! I love hearing from our mission president. He does so much for us and cares so much about this mission. Anyway I'm gonna wrap it up. I love you all so much!!!!!!! I hope all is going well! Stay safe and keep the faith!
Elder Ryan Lundell
November 14, 2010
Hey everyone! Hows everyone doing? Everything is going great here in Aizu! Elder Jones and I are working hard. We recently contacted Kato san again which makes me really excited. She is the mother of three and she had her first kid when she was like fifteen. She read from the begining of the book of mormon to 3 nephi 11 within the first week we met her. She is way awesome but we should be able to meet with her again this week. I will let you know how it goes. Anyway I need to go sorry for the short email. I love you all and thank you so much for all you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Ryan Lundell
November 28, 2010
Hey everyone!!!! All is going well here in Japan! This week has been pretty good. Transfer calls are coming up the next Wednesday the 8th. I'll probably be going but who knows thats what I thought last time. Thanksgiving day wasn't anything too special we went to Sendai Tuesday afternoon and came back Thursday afternoon. Because my companion is a district leader they had a leader specialized training. So I got to split with one of the Nagamachi elders in the Mission Home for a couple days. His name is Elder Cannon. He just got here two weeks ago so I was senior for a few days. That was fun. Japanese is hard. I'm getting by but I could improve a lot. I was with Elder Cannon on Thanksgiving day so we went and Ramen. It was really good! Also Elder Jones' mother sent us a package of Thanksgiving food we could make with the supplies we have here in Japan. Including mashed potatoes and gravy and green been casarole and stuffing and Turkey Spam because they don't have turkey here and you cant ship meet here. Haha we had it the day after Thanksgiving but it was pretty good minus the turkey part but all is well. Well back to me and Elder Cannon we went and visited a less active and had a way awesome experience. The girl that is less active is going to college and her family is all active so Elder Cannon and I decided we would go visit her but neither of us really knew the family cause it wasn't my area and Elder Cannon had only been there for two weeks we just had the address. So we were outside the apartment and we weren't sure what to do because we couldn't remember the girls name but luckily we were able to call some other missionaries that knew. So just when we were about to go up stairs to visit her mom came down and because she noticed that were missionaries downstairs in the parking lot. She asked us if we were the missionaries and we said yes. (The mom is a completely active member just had never met either of us and it was dark) We talked to her for a while and we asked her if Aiyumi was their. (the less active daughter) She was and her mom went and got her and her other daughter. So down stairs, right outside the apartment we just talked to them and taught a little bit about prayer. Before we left we asked the mom to pray for us. She did and towards the end of the prayer and after she was crying. She seemed to be so thankful for us coming over. The spirit was so strong. I was so thankful to be able to be lead to go visit this less active and her family that we didn't even know. No matter the person if we know them or not we can all help each other out because we are all daughters and sons of God. The gospel is so awesome!!!!! It blesses or lives so greatly!!!! In ways we don't even realize!!!!! Lets all hold on tighter to that gospel we do have and share it with others because it brings so much happiness and lasting peace. Its just awesome!!!!
Anyway I better get going but thank you all so much for the support. I love hearing from all you. I look forward from hearing from you each week. I love you all and you are in my prayers. LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
Elder Ryan Lundell